A. Full-time faculty members whose qualifications meet or exceed the requirements for a higher academic rank shall be eligible for promotional consideration to that rank. Faculty members who are promoted shall advance four (4) salary ranges. Their new salaries shall be computed pursuant to Article XXII, Section C.1.

B. An eligible full-time faculty member may make written application for promotional consideration on or before November l.  The application may be accompanied by any substantiating documentation which the individual cares to submit.  Nomination of a full-time faculty member for promotional consideration may be made by other than the individual.

C. The procedures for promotional consideration utilized in the College/University, if universally applicable, or in the division, department or similar unit in which the faculty member is employed, shall be fairly and equitably applied to all applicants and nominees. The procedures shall provide for consideration based on criteria established by the College/University, appropriate to the College/University and the work unit. The current and applicable procedures, including a statement of such criteria, shall be provided in written form for the understanding of all affected faculty members. This provision shall not be construed as a waiver of the Colleges’/Universities’ right to promote, under
procedures set by the Colleges/ Universities, employees not included in the negotiating unit. The Colleges/ Universities, however, recognize the value of peer consultation and except in unusual circumstances will consult with the involved
department concerning the procedures to be used in any particular case involving negotiation unit members.

D.  At each College/University the committee charged with the final evaluation of promotion applications will be informed by the President or his or her designee of the number of promotions available at the various ranks for that unit or the College/University as a whole, and will submit its recommendations to the President or his or her designee. Should the President decide to make a recommendation for promotion to the Board of Trustees which is inconsistent with the recommendation of the final committee, he or she shall provide the committee with his or her reasons for that action.

E.  Final recommendations shall be made to the President on or before February l and shall include all pertinent information concerning the applicant.

F. The final recommendations shall be made known to any applicant or nominee in writing within two (2) days after submission to the President.

G. Within seven (7) days after receipt of the final recommendation to the President a faculty member may initiate a grievance at Step One concerning the application based on an allegation that, after timely filing of his or her application, the promotional procedure was violated or that there was a breach of the rights of the faculty member set forth in Article II concerning discrimination or in Article V concerning academic freedom.   Such a claim, if sustained, will result in reprocessing of the application on an expedited basis.  A final recommendation in such case shall be made to the President not later than March l.

H.  Recommendations of the President to the Board of Trustees and the decisions of the Board shall be delivered in writing to the candidate by March l5.

I.  The dates established in this Article and Section F may be changed by local agreement.

J.  Promotional procedures, including the above procedures, are not applicable to part-time employees, but they may be appointed/reappointed to a higher title.