Montclair Adjunct Local 6025 Awards Five Scholarships in Honor of Nick Yovnello
“AFT membership has its privileges” for Adjunct Faculty and their children at Montclair State University.
On May 2, 2014 at its Annual Awards Dinner, AFT Local 6025 will award two scholarships of $500 to two students at the University who are children of Montclair State University Adjunct Faculty AFT members. This year’s recipients are Dana McNish, daughter of Prof. Mariechen McNish of the Secondary and Special Education department, and Rebecca Meyers, daughter of Prof. Richard Meyers of the Computer Science Department. The application required that a transcript be submitted and that students be at least sophomores. Both students have better than a 3.0 cumulative grade point average.
Local 6025 receives 50% of the funding for these scholarships from the Council of New Jersey State College Locals, AFT, AFL-CIO. . The scholarships have been named in honor of Nick Yovnello who served as Council president for over 15 years.
Three adjunct professors, all members of the Local, will also be awarded $500.00 scholarships on May 2. Criteria for this scholarship include enrollment in a degree or certificate program. Like the students, the adjunct faculty members must maintain a 3.0 cumulative grade point average. Prof. Christopher Parker is pursuing an Ed. D. in Pedagogy and Philosophy. Prof. Stephen Fiedeldey and Prof. Emrah Altunkaya are both pursuing Educational Leadership certificates.