back offrally crowd 1Over 10,000 New Jersey public employees rallied in front of the State House on Monday December 11, 2006 to send a message to the Legislature to keep their hands off our pensions and health benefits. Sponsored by the New Jersey Education Association and the NJ State AFL-CIO, union leaders addressing the crowd emphasized that the State should not try to resolve its fiscal problems on the backs of public employees.  The chief slogans of the rally “We Are Not the Problem,” “Back Off” and “Negotiate Don’t Legislate” reflected the universal belief that public employees have earned their health and pension benefits, that they are not extravagant and that any proposed changes to these benefits should only come through the collective bargaining process.

rally crowd 2

Harold Schaitberger, President of the Professional Firefighters of New Jersey, referring to the State’s failure to contribute a penny to the state pensions over 7 years, roused the crowd by declaring “They want you to sacrifice for their failure to make pension contributions for the last years running and this is plain unacceptable!”

Governor Corzine appeared to get the message even before the rally occurred.  On Friday, December 8, he informed the Democratic legislative leadership that he would not support any bills that would affect the benefits of any public employees covered by collective bargaining agreements. 

aft signs in crowdOf greatest concern to the Council were proposals to force all new part-time employees (including adjunct faculty) into a defined contribution plan.  Currently these employees are in PERS, a defined benefit plan.  Although nearly all full time employees represented by the Council are already in a defined contribution plan, known as the Alternate Benefit Program, this plan provides for an 8% employer contribution whereas the proposed new plan the employer contribution would be only 3%

aft sign 5In addition to Council AFT locals, a wide spectrum of public employee unions participated in the rally, including AFT affiliates, CWA, AFCSME, IFPTE, NJEA and police and firefighters unions. 

For now, it appears that public employee unions have fended off legislation that would erode pension or health benefits.  However the State may very well seek to achieve the same ends at the bargaining table, as negotiations begin to replace the agreements set to expire on June 30, 2007.  Recalling the admonition “Be careful of what you wish for” we must be prepared for a tough season of bargaining ahead.


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