September 1, 2004



Memorandum of Agreement





            The attached document is reflective of the consultation and negotiation that has taken place and constitutes the memorandum of agreement that will be in effect for the academic year 2004-2005.




__________________________________                __________________________________

Robert Zazzali                                                             Stanley Urban

University Negotiator                                                 F.O.R.C.E. Negotiator









YEAR                                                                                                                         FOR WHAT

OF SERVICE             WHO REVIEWS                               WHEN                                    CONTRACT



FIRST                         SUPERVISOR(s)                               SPRING                     *



SECOND                    SUPERVISOR                                   FALL                          3RD & 4TH

                                    DEPARTMENT COMMITTEE

                                    SENATE COMMITTEE




THIRD                        SUPERVISOR(s)                               SPRING                     5TH




FIFTH                         SUPERVISOR/PEERS**                  FALL                          6TH




*Candidates are evaluated after they are reappointed to a second year by Board of Trustees in February


**Candidates follow the multi-year process









            Tenure/multi-year track employees who are in their first year of service will be evaluated at the departmental level during the spring semester of their first year.  This evaluation process will be more streamlined than the regular evaluation process and will consist of the employee providing a self-assessment on the four criteria for recontracting (i.e., professional performance, scholarship and creative activity, contributions to the department/office/university [service], and professional responsibilities – see criteria for evaluation on pages 9 & 10).  First year tenure-track faculty must include student evaluations from at least two (2) classes from the Fall 2004 semester and one peer observation from at least one class from either the Fall 2004 or Spring 2005 semester as part of their assessment of professional performance.  First year employees must also include a narrative on their future goals and plans.  The department/office evaluations will consist of an assessment of the candidate’s performance in the four criteria for evaluation by the department/office recontracting committee.


            Following the department/office review, the Deans or appropriate administrators will review the evaluation material and provide a brief written assessment, reflecting the strengths and/or areas of improvement.  Copies of this assessment will be forwarded to the first year employee, department chair/office head and appropriate administrator if he/she so desires or if requested by the Dean or appropriate administrator.


            In accordance with the master contract, first year tenure/multi-year track employees will be notified of their reappointment to a second year contract by March 1, 2005.  Thus, first year employees will be notified of their reappointment to a second year contract prior to the evaluation process.  Reappointment to a second year contract may be withheld for cause, for a change in programmatic need, or for fiscal reasons.











Third and Fourth Year Candidates (Second Year of Service)


Sixth Year Candidates (Fifth Year of Service)


Department/Office Committee reports to Senate Committee                                    October 15, 2004


Senate recontracting materials to President                                                    November 5, 2004


Senate Committee meeting with President/Designee                                     December  6, 2004*


President/Designee's notification to candidates                                             December 8, 2004*


Board of Trustees’ meeting                                                                            December 15, 2004*



*Unless mutually agreeable between the Administration and the Union


Fifth Year Candidates (Third Year of Service) and

First year Faculty/Librarians/Professional Staff



Department/Office Evaluation                                                                 April, 2005


Dean/Supervisor Evaluation                                                                     May, 2005


Material transmitted to Provost’s Office for preparation

of Board of Trustees’ resolution (materials will then be sent

to Human Resources for filing)                                                                June 1, 2005


Board of Trustees' meeting                                                                       June 16, 2005







1.         Items for All Probationary Staff

            1.1       Criteria

            1.11     Appropriate Professional Performance

                        1.12     Appropriate Scholarship and Creative Activity

            1.13     Contribution to Department and University

                        1.14     Fulfillment of Professional Responsibilities


1.2       Weighting


2.         Procedures

            2.1       Full-time, Tenure-Track Faculty

                        2.11     Candidate Responsibilities

                        2.12     Candidate Rights


            2.2       Full-Time Temporary Faculty and Professional Staff

            2.21     Department/Office Review

                        2.22     Transmitted to Dean

                        2.23     Forwarded to Provost

                        2.24     Calendar


            2.3       Part-Time Faculty and Professional Staff


            2.4       Department Responsibilities

            2.41     Statement Interpreting Criteria

                        2.42     Equivalency

            2.43     Electing Committee

                        2.44     Role of Chairperson

                        2.45     Criteria for Observations

                        2.46     Form for Student Perceptions


            2.5       Department Chair Responsibilities

2.51     Department Meeting


2.6       Department Committee

                        2.61     Elect Chairperson

                        2.62     Guided by 1.1 and 1.2

                        2.63     Colleague Assessment

                        2.64     Assessment of Teaching Effectiveness

            2.65     Student Responses

                        2.66     Committee Report

                        2.67     Candidates Meet with Committee

                        2.68     Reporting to All-University Committee






3.         Librarians

            3.1       With Less than Five Years

            3.2       Dean of Library Services

            3.3       Assistant Director

            3.4       Recommendations of the Committee


4.         Full-Time, Multi-Year Track Professional Staff

4.1       Professional Staff Rights

            4.2       With Less and Five Years

            4.3       With Five Years or More

            4.4       List of Professional Staff

            4.5       Professional Staff Office Committees

            4.6       Procedures


5.         Coaches

            5.1       Department of Athletics Recontracting Committee

5.2       Criteria

            5.3       Multi-Year


6.         The All-University

6.1       The All-University Senate Committee Responsibilities and Procedures

            6.2       Procedure

6.3       Reporting to the President

7.         Procedures for Administrative Evaluation

            7.1       Consultation

7.2       Comments on Candidates

            7.3       Meeting with Senate Recontracting Committee and Notification to Candidate

            7.4       President May Meet with Department Committee

            7.5       Candidate’s Meeting with President

            7.6       Committee Comments to Board of Trustees (Recontracting Committees)

            7.7       Committee Comments to Board of Trustees (Candidates)

7.8       Notification of Board Action to Candidates


8.         Grievance Rights




It is the goal of the recontracting process to identify and to encourage the professional growth of individuals who may become tenured members of the faculty or library of Rowan University or members of the University's professional staff or coaches serving under multi-year contracts. This process requires continuous Department/Office assessment of programmatic needs, a careful and fair evaluation of every candidate, and built-in guarantees that every individual's rights are fully protected.


The University expects that, in each year of the probationary period, candidates will demonstrate increased professional growth and achievement. Tenure or multi-year contracts will be offered at the end of the probationary period to those individuals of demonstrated achievement.


The University and the Union have agreed to the following processes and procedures for recontracting to be in operation during the 2004-2005 year.


1.   Evaluation Criteria. Weighting and Responsibilities for All Probationary Staff:


All probationary members of the bargaining unit shall be evaluated by the processes described herein and in accordance with the State/Union Agreement.


1.1       Criteria for Evaluation of Candidates:

            The achievements should be considered under the category or categories most nearly applicable, since the criteria are not mutually exclusive.


                        1.11     Appropriate Professional Performance (Effective teaching [see 2.11) or effective professional performance [see 4.551 and 4.552])

·          approaches, innovations, student involvement, evaluation techniques, techniques to meet different teaching-learning situations, etc.;

·          effective professional performance as established in 4.0 below; or

·          effective coaching performance, as established in 5.0 below.


                        1.12     Appropriate Scholarship and Creative Activity or career enhancement activities not related to the completion of the appropriate terminal degree (e.g., research, publications, presentation of scholarly papers, exhibitions, performances, or other scholarly activities appropriate to librarians, professional staff or coaches).


                        1.13     Contribution to the Department and the University (e.g., services on department, division and University-level committees, development of new courses or programs, collateral duties, etc.).


                        1.14     Fulfillment of Professional Responsibilities (e.g., leadership membership in professional organizations, participation  in  conferences, speeches, consultancies, service to the community etc.).


            1.2       Weighting of Criteria

Unless a different ranking is mutually agreed to between the candidate and the Department Committee, the criteria shall normally be weighted in the order listed above. The only alternative to this will be to reverse the order and weighings of the Scholarly Achievements and Contributions to the Department and University. The Department or Office Committee shall clearly specify in writing the basis for the deviation from the normal weighing. If such change is recommended, it shall be utilized only with the concurrence of the College Dean and with the approval of the Provost.  The College Dean will be notified by the Department Committee on or before September 30 if a change in the ordering of criteria is recommended, and the Dean will inform the Department Committee and the Senate Committee of the administrative decision no later than October 15. In any case, professional performance must be the most heavily weighted criterion.


2.         Procedures

2.1       Full-Time, Tenure-Track Faculty

Demonstration of achievement during the first two years of probationary service will focus principally on teaching effectiveness. During their third and fourth years of service, probationary faculty should demonstrate excellent teaching and should also present evidence of success in scholarly and creative activities. During the first four years, probationary faculty should also show a developing record of service and professional contributions that will, by the fifth year, be at a level demonstrating readiness for tenure. By the middle of the fifth year of service, faculty who seek a tenure appointment should be able to demonstrate:

Evidence of excellence in teaching, scholarly and creative activities and evidence of service at a level of quality appropriate for a positive tenure decision.


                                    2.11     Candidate Responsibilities


2.111   Recontracting Files - Teaching faculty must compile and include the following items in a recontracting file:


2.1111 A self-appraisal of professional performance, including the following:


                        2.11111           Teaching Effectiveness

A) Candidate's statement which includes a description of goals, approaches, innovations, student involvement, evaluation techniques, activities to meet different student learning needs;

B) Summary of student responses and candidate's analysis of the responses. Student perception of the teaching/learning experience will be collected in at least two classes of the candidate's choice once per semester during the last five (5) weeks of each semester of the current  recontracting  period  throughout probationary service;

C) Colleague assessment of student performance--for teaching faculty this includes but is not limited to teaching effectiveness and should include the candidate’s analysis of colleagues’ statements.     


2.11112           Scholarly and Creative Activity

For  example,  research, publications, presentation of scholarly papers, exhibitions, performances, or other scholarly activities.


                                                                        2.11113           Contributions to Department and University

For example, service on Department, College and University-level committees, development of new courses or programs, collateral duties, etc.


                                   2.11114           Fulfillment of Professional Responsibilities

For  example,  leadership/membership  in professional organizations, participation in conferences, speeches, consultancies, service to the community etc.


2.1112 A statement of goals regarding plans for future professional growth and evaluation of success in reaching these goals.


2.1113 A supplemental file which will include the previous year's evaluation, including evaluations by the Department/Office Committee, the All-University Senate Committee, Dean, President, and, for faculty, summaries of prior student responses and other pertinent materials which the candidate considers relevant to the recontracting process. If the faculty member so chooses. data may be gathered from summer sessions.


Note: Candidates for recontracting and tenure may include in their file material (i.e., classroom observations, student evaluations, etc.) used as part of a promotion file as long as the material is timely.


                        2.112   The candidate must cooperate with the Department Recontracting

                                    Committee in the process used to obtain perceptions of teaching/



                        2.113   Terminal Degree Requirement (faculty)

For faculty who do not hold the appropriate terminal degree or its equivalent, no reappointment shall be made to the fourth year unless the Board of Trustees of the University determines that, for rare and exceptional reasons, reappointment is necessary to support the mission of the University.  The University will make available $15,000 to enable first and second year faculty to request released time in order to work on the completion of their terminal degree requirements.


2.114   The completed copies of the file submitted for recontracting will be retained by the candidate from year to year until the candidate has received an appointment leading to tenure.


                        2.115   Where observations are used, faculty must sign the observations.


2.116   It is the candidate's responsibility to provide an original plus eleven copies of his/her completed file to be forwarded to the All-University Senate Committee. It is strongly encouraged that members of the Department Committee assist first and second year candidates on the assembling of their recontracting materials.


                        2.117   It is the candidate's responsibility to number the pages of the recontracting file and collate the pages in the order indicated in the checklist provided by the University Senate.


            2.12     Candidate Rights

In addition to participation in all departmental decisions and in addition to other rights, probationary faculty have the right:



                        2.121   To participate in the department meeting held to formally ratify a statement interpreting the criteria to be utilized in evaluating candidates for recontracting and to receive this statement in writing from the Department Chair on or before October 1, 2004.


                        2.122   To petition department peers to accept qualifications as to education and experience to be adjudged as equivalent to the academic requirements at a particular rank.


                        2.123   To participate in the department meeting held to elect a Department Recontracting Committee.


                        2.124  To participate in the department discussions to determine the method of colleague assessment and student evaluations that will be utilized in the evaluation process and to mutually agree with the department recontracting committee on the appropriate individuals and times to administer these processes.


2.125   To mutually agree with the Department Committee to authorize faculty to make observations and collect student evaluations.


2.126   To request additional observations beyond the minimum required.


                                    2.127   To be observed by no more than two persons at a time.


2.128   To have ample time to review each evaluative report from any committee and individual that is included as part of the evaluation process. Further, to have the opportunity to append comments to each report which will be included as part of the recontracting file and to affix one's signature on evaluative reports to indicate that one has reviewed them.


2.129   To request early tenure. While one may petition the President directly for early tenure consideration, inasmuch as the support of the department and Dean are critical in these matters, candidates are encouraged to consult with their department and Dean prior to formally requesting early tenure consideration by the President. Early tenure is an administrative determination, and one must serve at least two (2) consecutive years at the University before early tenure may be granted.


2.2       Full-Time Temporary Faculty and Professional Staff


            Full-time temporary faculty have the same rights and responsibilities as tenure-track faculty.  Full-time temporary professional staff have the same rights and responsibilities as multi-year track professional staff and will follow the procedural process described in section 4.

            The Master Contract requires that the normal evaluation procedures be used for the review of full-time temporary employees up to and including the first administrative level (Article XIII, D). The following process for the evaluation of full-time temporary employees will apply:


2.21     Full-time temporary employees will receive a full review at the department/office level following the same procedure that is used for the evaluation of tenure/multi-year track, probationary candidates.


2.22     Evaluative materials will then be transmitted to the appropriate Dean by the Chair of the Department Recontracting and Tenure Committee. The Senate Recontracting and Tenure Committee is not part of the evaluative process for temporary appointments.


2.23     The Dean will review the evaluation materials and will forward these materials to the Provost together with an evaluative letter. The temporary full-time employee will also receive a copy of the letter.


2.24     The following calendar will be used for the evaluation of temporary, full-time employees:


                        April -             Departments that have full-time temporary employees

                                                conduct an evaluation review.

May/June -     Deans review department evaluation materials. (College Dean sets date with department/office for receipt of materials.)


2.3       Part-Time Faculty and Professional Staff


2.31     Part-timers on continuing lines shall be reviewed each year during their first three years of consecutive service.  This evaluation will consist of a departmental review that will be streamlined and focus principally on their professional performance. For faculty, this will require student evaluations and peer observations from at least two classes during a given year.


2.32     Following the department/office review, the Dean or appropriate administrator will review the evaluation material and provide a brief written assessment, reflecting on the strengths and/or areas of improvement. Copies of this assessment will be forwarded to the employee, department chair/office head and appropriate Vice President. The employee will be provided an opportunity to meet with the Dean or appropriate administrator if he/she so desires or if requested by the Dean or appropriate administrator.


2.33     The timetable for the evaluation process will be the same as the timetable for first year employees (i.e., department review -- April; Dean's review --May;)


2.34     After the third year of consecutive service and evaluations, part-time employees shall be formally evaluated once every three years in accordance with the process and timetable described.


2.35     The University retains the right to deny the reappointment of a part-time employee for cause, for programmatic need or for fiscal reasons.


2.4       Department Responsibilities


2.41     Statement Interpreting the Criteria: Each year, by October 1, and before evaluation of candidates, each department (including part-time faculty and staff will prepare and formally ratify a statement interpreting the criteria to be utilized in evaluating candidates for recontracting.


2.42     Equivalency: If a candidate requests that the department consider equivalent qualification, the department must consider the request. If faculty members present qualifications as to education and experience that their departmental peers adjudge to be equivalent to the academic requirements normally requisite for recontracting at a particular rank, although not corresponding to the letter, such individuals may be recommended for such recontracting. Once applied, through all levels of the recontracting process (including administrative level), the determination of equivalency for a particular candidate shall not be altered by the department, University, or subsequent departmental tenure and recontracting committees during that candidate's probationary period.


            2.43     Electing a Department Recontracting Committee


                        2.431   All faculty (including temporary and part-time faculty) in each department shall elect a committee responsible for evaluating and recommending department faculty who are candidates for recontracting.


                        2.432   This Department Recontracting Committee shall be comprised of tenured faculty only.


                        2.433   There shall be no fewer than three members on the committee.


                        2.434   Insufficient Number of Tenure Faculty: In the event a department has less than three tenured faculty, the Chairperson of the department shall request and receive from the All-University Senate Committee on Committees a list of tenured faculty throughout the University willing to serve on interdepartmental recontracting committees. All tenured members of the department should serve on the Department Recontracting Committee and the department will elect the balance of its committee from the list provided by the Senate Committee.  The inter-Department Committee thus formed will operate in accordance with the provisions of this agreement for Department Committees.


2.435   Department Committee members cannot serve on the Senate Recontracting Committee.


2.44     Specify the Role of Chairperson: The Department Chairperson shall be included in the evaluative process; the role and specific function of Department Chairperson in the evaluation of probationary faculty will be established by the faculty in each department.


2.45     Specify criteria for classroom observations to be uniformly applied and develop for the department's records a written statement describing the process and rationale for the use of the method of classroom observations.


2.46     Consult with the candidate for recontracting regarding his/her determination of the process and forms to be used for obtaining student perceptions of teaching/learning process.

2.5       Department Chair Responsibilities


2.51     If there are any candidates to review for recontracting, a department meeting including all department (unit) members must be called and held before October 1, and before the evaluation of candidates, to:


2.511   Ratify a statement interpreting the criteria to be utilized in evaluating candidates for recontracting;


            2.512   Elect a Department Recontracting Committee;


2.513   In consultation with the department chair, specify the function of the Department Chairperson in the recontracting process; and


            2.514   Specify criteria for observation, which must be uniformly applied.



2.52     The Department Chairperson must perform his/her role in the recontracting process as specified by the members of the department.


2.6       Department Committee Responsibilities and Procedures

           (see item 2.43 for procedures for electing the members of this committee)


2.61     At the first meeting, committee members shall elect a chairperson.


2.62     Evaluations and recommendations of the Departmental Recontracting Committee shall be guided by the provisions of Section 1.1 and 1.2 of this agreement.


2.63     Any method of colleague assessment must be consistent with the requirements of the State/Union contract.


2.64     Assessment of Teaching Effectiveness

            The process used by the Department Recontracting Committee for assessing teaching effectiveness shall include two basic components: the candidate's statement of goals and evidence of success in realizing these goals. Evidence of success shall consist of:


·          The candidate's own perceptions.

                      ·          His/Her analysis of student perceptions of the teaching-learning experience,  and

                      ·          Colleague assessment of the candidate's teaching effectiveness as described below.


2.641   The Department Recontracting Committee's evaluation of a candidate's teaching effectiveness will include the use of classroom observations of the candidate's teaching when such teaching is part of the candidate's normal job description. This does not preclude the use of other equally valid means of assessing teaching effectiveness.


                                                2.642   Observations (where classroom observations are utilized):


2.6421 Specific criteria for observations which must be formulated by each department and uniformly applied. When direct observation is utilized, faculty candidates shall be observed by department committee members as described below until tenure has been attained.


                                                            2.6422 Number of Observations

§         Candidates must be observed at least once within the twelve-month period prior to the committee's evaluative deliberations.

§         Additional observations may be requested by the candidate.


2.6423 Written reports of each observation shall be given to the candidate within two (2) calendar weeks of each observation.


2.6424 The candidate shall sign each observation report to signify that he/she has seen it and has had an opportunity to append any comment or response he/she wishes.  Every person observing the candidate for this purpose shall be available for discussion of the observation with the candidate within a reasonable time following the observation.  The written reports of the observation are to be included in the committee report.


2.6425 Candidates who have divided assignments involving more than one area of performance shall be observed and evaluated separately in each area consistent with applicable sections of this agreement.


                                    2.65     Student Responses


           For teaching faculty, there shall be a process of obtaining student perception of the teaching/learning experience as part of the assessment of any candidate for recontracting and to assist the candidate in developing a self-assessment statement.


           Student perception of the teaching/learning experience will be collected by the department recontracting committee in any two (2) classes once per semester during the last five (5) weeks of the semester of the current recontracting period or during one of the summer sessions during the last week of the summer session. This will be done throughout probationary service. In the case of a candidate who has less than a 3/4 time teaching load, student evaluations will be administered in classes which represent at least 50% of the total teaching load. In these cases the candidate must submit at least one set of student evaluations and must indicate the total number of load hours assigned to teaching during each semester.  This material must be included in the candidate's recontracting folder.

(Note: The classes selected for student input must reflect the candidate's primary area of teaching responsibility unless mutually agreed between the candidate and the department.)


                        2.651   Procedures for Collection and Utilization of Student Responses

                                    (see appendix A)


            2.66     Committee Report For All Probationary Employees


                        2.661   There will be a single evaluative report and recommendation from the Department Committee on each candidate for recontracting except when there are recommendations involving a split vote of the Department Committee. A minority report with reasons for any negative or abstaining votes must be included.


                        2.662   In the event that a Department Chairperson in the teaching faculty is non-tenured, he/she shall be absent from the deliberations of his/her own candidacy. 


                        2.663   The candidate shall be provided the opportunity to respond to any

 recommendations of the Department Committee and such responses shall be forwarded with the committee materials when submitted to the All-University Senate Committee or Dean.


                        2.664   The Department Committee must include the following in their report to the All-University Senate Committee:


                                                2.6641 The written reports of observations of candidates.


2.6642 Summary of student perceptions of the teaching/learning experience.



2.6643 A signed copy of the summary of the student responses and the candidate's written analysis.


2.6644 Equivalency: In the event that candidates request and the department  approves  equivalent  qualifications,  the Department Committee must clearly specify those details of a candidate's educational and experiential qualifications that merit consideration as the basis of equivalency in a written statement to be included in its report to the All-University Senate Committee.


2.67     Each candidate shall meet with the Department Committee to discuss committee evaluation and recommendation prior to transmittal of the candidate's folder.


2.68     Reporting to the All-University Senate Committee:                                     


2.681 Evaluations, recommendations and the numerical vote of the Department/ Office Committee on each candidate for recontracting shall be submitted on the forms appended to this report.


2.682 The Department/Office Committee report MUST include a statement which explains the reasons for the particular recommendation of the Committee. Any recommendations involving a “split” vote shall include a minority report with reasons for any negative or abstaining votes.


2.683 The members of the Department Committee are strongly encouraged to  assist the candidate in making eleven copies and an original recontracting report and in transporting these reports to the All-University Senate Recontracting Committee in accordance with the stipulated deadlines and guidelines.

3.         Librarians

            Demonstration of achievement during the first two (2) years of probationary service should focus principally on effective professional performance. During the third and fourth years of service, probationary librarians should demonstrate effective professional performance and should also present evidence of professional activities in the library profession or their subject specialty. During the first four (4) years, probationary librarians should also show a developing record of service and professional contributions that will, by the fifth year, be at a level demonstrating readiness for tenure. By the middle of the fifth year of service, librarians who seek a tenure appointment should be able to demonstrate:  evidence of excellence in their field of librarianship, professional activities and evidence of University service at a level of quality appropriate for a positive tenure decision.


3.1       For the purposes of this agreement, librarians with less than five years service to the University will follow a similar evaluative processes set forth for members of the teaching faculty. (see section 2.4).


3.2       The Dean of Library Services shall be responsible for the functions listed under 2.5 except for the elements assigned to the Associate Dean or  assistant directors.


3.3       The assistant director for the area to which the candidate is primarily assigned shall fill the role equivalent to the department chair, sections 2.513 and 2.54.


3.4       The recommendations of the committee shall be forwarded simultaneously to the Dean of Library Services and to the All-University Senate Committee.



4.         Full-Time, Multi-Year-Track Professional Staff


            For members of the professional staff, demonstration of achievement during the first two years of probationary service should focus principally on effective professional performance. During the third and fourth years of service probationary staff should demonstrate effective professional performance and should also present evidence of service and professional activities related to their area(s) of expertise. By the middle of the fifth  year of service, professional staff who seek a multi-year contract should be able to demonstrate:

            Evidence of excellence in professional performance, professional activities, and evidence of service at a level of quality appropriate for the award of a multi-year contract.


            4.1       Professional Staff candidates have the same rights and responsibilities as faculty, excluding those having to do with teaching.


            4.2       Professional Staff with less than five years

Any member of the professional staff in-unit who has served at the University less than five years shall be subject to the processes contained in this agreement.


            4.3       Professional Staff with five years or more

Professional staff who have served at the University for five years or more shall be eligible for initial multi-year appointment and shall follow the local agreement on multi-year appointment and reappointment.


            4.4       Lists of Professional Staff

The University will provide the committee's evaluating professional staff (non-managerial) and the Union with an accurate list of such professional staff and their respective out-of-unit supervisors by September 15, 2004.


            4.5       Professional Staff Office Committees


                        4.51     In the case of a member of the administrative staff (non-managerial) whose assignment is largely or totally within an academic department(s) or library, the candidate shall be evaluated by a committee of the department(s) involved.  The process shall be analogous to that established by the department(s) for members of the teaching faculty; however, criteria for evaluation shall be developed jointly by the committee and candidate and consistent with the candidate's job responsibilities.


4.52     For all other probationary professional staff (see section 2.6), there shall be one committee of professional staff representing the three administrative divisions that will serve as the all-university department recontracting review committee. This committee shall consist of at least five members elected from the professional staff with representatives from the three administrative divisions. Membership on the committee shall be limited to professional staff with more than five years of service at the University; only persons in the bargaining unit will be eligible to serve on the committee. The Union will appoint a non-voting observer to the committee. The committee will be elected by the members of the professional staff at an open meeting.


4.53     In offices where the first level supervisor (non-evaluative) is a member of the bargaining unit, this supervisor shall be included in the evaluative process (the role and specific function of this supervisor in the evaluative process will be established by each office).


                                    4.54     Additionally for all candidates, the following process will obtain:


4.541   Not later than September 17, 2004, third, and fourth candidates will meet with the immediate supervisor to develop mutually the criteria to be utilized in the supervisor's evaluation of the candidate's professional performance. These criteria shall be reduced to writing and given to the candidate. 


4.542   Candidates will have an evaluation conference with their supervisors not later than September 30, 2004.  The supervisor shall prepare an evaluative report, which shall include a recommendation for or against recontracting based on the mutually agreed upon criteria and will provide this report to the candidate not later than October 4.  (Failure to adhere to these deadlines will result in the exclusion of the supervisor's evaluation from the recontracting process [unless, in extenuating circumstances, new deadlines are mutually agreed to by the University and the Union]).

                                  Candidates will have an opportunity to discuss the report with the supervisor and append comments to the written report prior to transmittal to subsequent levels of peer and administrative review. A copy of the supervisor's evaluation and any/all appended comments from the candidate shall be included in the candidate's folder and transmitted to the Office/Department Committee by the deadline established by the Committee.


4.6       Procedures


            For the purposes of this agreement procedures for peer evaluation of professional staff members of the unit will be the same as those applied to faculty. Any method of colleague assessment must be consistent with the requirements of the State/Union contract.


5.         Coaches


            Coaching candidates have the same rights and responsibilities as professional staff and will follow the same procedures as professional staff with the following provisions.


5.1       A Department of Athletics Recontracting Committee shall be elected by all coaches in the department. The committee shall be comprised of coaches serving on multiyear contracts only; there shall be no fewer than three (3) members on the committee and, in all cases, there must be an odd number of committee members. The Athletic Director will participate in the evaluation process as the first level, out-of-unit supervisor, as prescribed in 4.55.


5.2       The criteria used to evaluate coaches will be consistent with the criteria as established for professional staff. Coaches with teaching responsibilities will be evaluated on this aspect of their performance. The manner in which this evaluation of teaching effectiveness will occur will be consistent with Article 2.6 (Assessment of Teaching Effectiveness) and upon mutual agreement between the Department of Athletics and the Department of Health and Exercise Science.


5.3       Coaches scheduled to undergo a review for a multi-year appointment or renewal will do so in accordance with the criteria and timetable as established in the local agreement on Multi-year Appointment and Renewals.


6.         The All-University Senate Committee Responsibilities and Procedures


6.1       Composition


            The All-University Senate Committee shall consist of representative numbers of all components of the bargaining unit appointed and approved by the University Senate:  faculty, librarians, and professional staff (non-managerial).   Non-faculty appointments shall consist of no less than one librarian and three members of the professional staff (non-managerial); one coach may substitute for one of the professional staff; appointees from these two components (librarians and professional staff) shall constitute no less than one-third of the total composition of that committee. The balance of the appointees to the committee shall consist of teaching faculty having no fewer than one faculty member from each academic college.


6.2       Procedures


6.21     The All-University Senate Committee will receive 11 copies and the original report of the Department/Office Committee for each candidate for recontracting from the Department/Office Committee.


6.22     If a candidate has claimed a violation of procedure at the Department/Office Committee level, the Department/Office Committee shall notify the All-­University Senate Committee of the claimed violation and advise as to any action taken by the Department/Office Committee.


                                    6.23     The All-University Senate Committee will:


6.231   Review all materials received for each candidate in order to determine the sufficiency of documentation and whether or not the Department/­Office Committee recommendation is consistent with the evidence.


                        6.24     The All-University Senate Committee shall hold separate hearings for candidates and Department/Office Committees for any of the reasons listed below. Prior to the hearings the committee shall inform the candidate and the Department/Office Committee of the specific reason for holding the hearing:


6.241   Negative recommendation at the Department/Office Committee level.


6.242   Insufficient documentation (including lack of reasons for any negative or abstaining vote).


6.243     Conclusion of the Department/Office Committee that appears inconsistent with the information presented.


6.244     Possibility  of reversing the  Department/Office  Committee recommendation.


6.25    A written synopsis of the candidate's hearing shall be provided to the candidate by the Chairperson of the All-University Senate Committee; also, a written synopsis of the Department/Office Committee's hearing shall be provided to both the candidate and the Department/Office Committee by the Chairperson of the All-University Senate Committee. The candidate and the Department/Office Committee may submit comments to the All-University Senate Committee in response to these synopses. Synopses and responses may not be included in the candidate's file except at the request of the candidate; attestation shall be made, however, by the Chairperson of the All-University Senate Committee that such synopses and responses have been exchanged.


6.26     If the All-University Senate Committee determines to forward a negative recommendation on any candidate, the committee shall provide an opportunity for a meeting with the candidate. At this meeting, the All-University Senate Committee will provide a detailed explanation of the reasons for the committee's determination. The candidate shall be provided with a synopsis of this meeting.


6.27     The candidate shall review the entire content of his/her folder before it is transmitted by the All-University Senate Committee to the President and shall indicate by signature that he/she has examined the contents of the folder. The candidate may comment in writing upon any item in the folder.


            6.3   Reporting to the President: The All-University Senate Committee will report its recommendations to the President  and submit the completed, signed file for each candidate. The materials submitted to the President by the All-University Senate Committee MUST include a dated statement, which explains the reasons for the particular recommendations of the committee, including a detailed explanation of any minority opinion. Specific written reasons for each "abstain" vote must be stated.


7.         Procedures for Administrative Evaluation/Review


            7.1       Upon receipt of the original file for each candidate for recontracting, the President of the University may consult with his academic staff.  If additional written information and/or a written evaluative report on a candidate is presented to the President, the candidate will receive a copy and will have an opportunity to append comments thereto and present them to the President.


7.2       Except as noted in 5.25, all comments, both positive and negative, concerning a particular candidate must be submitted in writing and will be made part of the candidate's personnel file.


            7.3       Prior to official Board action, the President/designee will (1) meet with the All-University Senate Committee to discuss the candidates under review; (2) make known in writing to each candidate his recommendation and the reason for these recommendations to the Board of Trustees. Copies will be sent to the Chairperson of the All-University Senate Committee and Chairperson of the Department.


            7.4       If the President reverses the recommendation of a Department/Office Committee, he or his designee will, on request, meet with the committee to explain his recommendation and to solicit additional information.


            7.5       A candidate receiving a negative recommendation may request and shall receive an informal appearance before the President.  At the employee's option, he/she may request a union representative to be present.




            7.6       The Department Committee and the All-University Senate Committee may, at their option, file written comments with the Board of Trustees in those instances where the All-University Senate Committee and/or the President has reversed a previous recommendation. The candidate must receive a copy of such written comment prior to official Board action.


            7.7       In instances where the President is making a negative recommendation. the candidate shall have the option of filing written comments directly with the Board of Trustees.


            7.8       Notification of Board action to candidates will be included in Board resolutions which are distributed at the Board  meetings.


8.0       Grievance Rights


            A candidate may file a grievance at any juncture during the recontracting process. Claims of violations of procedures must be reported to the President of the University by the individual grievant within fourteen (14) days from the date on which the alleged violation occurred or when the individual grievant should have reasonably known of its occurrence. In the event of failure to report the occurrence with the fourteen (14) day period, the matter may not be raised in any later grievance contesting the validity of any action during the process.












                             Last                                    First                                            Middle Initial


Application For:  (please check)                     (   )  Reappointment

                                                                        (   )  Tenure


Department/Office:  _____________________________________________________________


Status at Rowan University:  (Circle appropriate years)


            Application for:           2nd       3rd       4th         5th       6th


Year of Service:          1st        2nd        3rd        4th        5th       

Date of appointment to Rowan University:  __________________________________________


Date(s) of Position/Title



Educational Record:

University or University         City/State                                Dates Attended          Degree/Year



For candidates pursuing additional degrees/studies:

In what program are your enrolled?  ________________________________________________

Where?  ______________________________________________________________________

Major Field:  ___________________________        Special Fields:  _______________________







When did you first start work on this program?  _______________________________________

Last date enrolled?  _____________________________________________________________

When do you anticipate completing this program?  ____________________________________

List, in chronological order, all professional experiences, full-time, part-time, adjunct, etc.:

Institution or

Type of Activity                     City/State                    Position*                                 Dates














*If Library, list type of library (academic, secondary, public, etc.) or pertinent background.  If teaching K-12, list subject or grade.  Where degree was completed, list degree and major area.  Where University level teaching, state academic rank(s).


^ Month and year.




Candidate’s Self-Assessment Form – 2004-2005


Name of Candidate:  ____________________________________________________________

Highest Degree:  _______________________________________________________________


Note:   Information recorded below indicates total professional experience, including                                that prior to appointment at Rowan University.


1.  Candidates assessment of professional performance:  ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


2.  Identification of scholarly Research and Creative Activities*:



3.  Identification of contribution to Department/Office and University:




4.  Fulfillment of professional responsibilities:



*Professional staff may include career enhancing activities.




Candidate’s Signature:  ______________________         Date: _______________________










Date _______________________, 2004-2005






Name  ____________________________________      Rank/Title ________________________


Department/Office  ___________________________________________  Ext  ______________


Application for:  (Circle one)


            2nd                    3rd        4th        5th        6th           (Tenure)          Year Candidacy


Year of Service:  (Circle one):                        1st        2nd        3rd        4th        5th                                       


Assessment of Professional Performance:  __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Assessment of Research and Creative Activities*:



*For Professional Staff, may include career enhancing activities


Assessment of Contribution to Department/Office and University: 



Assessment of Fulfillment of Professional Responsibilities:


Other Comments: 













Recommendation:                                                                               Recontract:  _____________

(See 2.681 which indicates that the numerical                                   Do Not Recontract________

vote must be recorded)



Committee Members:






____________________________________            ____________________________________

Department/Office Committee Chairperson               Department/Office Committee Chairperson

Print or type                                                                Signature



____________________________________            ____________________________________

____________________________________            ____________________________________

____________________________________            ____________________________________

____________________________________            ____________________________________



Candidate’s Reaction (if any):







                                                                                    Candidate’s Signature











The process for administering the student evaluation of the teaching/learning experience shall include the following steps:

§         Student evaluations should be administered during the last five (5) weeks of the semester. It is the candidate's responsibility to request that a member of the departmental recontracting committee administer departmentally-approved student evaluation forms.

§         A member of the departmental recontracting committee must administer the student evaluation forms. If no committee member can administer the evaluation, the departmental committee chairperson may appoint a delegate who is acceptable to the teacher being evaluated. Anyone who administers a teaching evaluation must be a member of the faculty or professional staff.

§         Upon arriving at the designated class, the evaluator will ask the faculty member to leave the room.

§         The evaluator may then read the recommended script (see attached) to the class prior to distributing the student evaluation forms. Immediately following, the forms will be distributed. A signature sheet will then be distributed, and students will be asked to sign their names if they participate in the evaluation process. Students who choose not to participate in the process should not sign the signature sheet or take an evaluation form. The signature sheet may be circulated throughout the room while students are completing the evaluation forms.

§         As students complete their forms, they should return them to the evaluator who will, without reading them, immediately place them into an envelope which will bear the name of the faculty member being evaluated, the class, and date of the administration of the evaluation. After all forms have been returned to the evaluator, he/she will immediately meet with the candidate who will validate the names on the signature sheet as students officially enrolled in the class. The evaluator will then place the signature sheet in an envelope and send it to the Office of the President, ATT: Confidential – Student Evaluation Signature Sheet. The signature sheets will be kept there for a period of five years (5) and then be discarded.

§         The evaluator will then deliver the student evaluation forms to the chairperson of the departmental committee. The chairperson of the department committee will do or oversee the compilation and analysis of the evaluation data and prepare a summary report. The summary report must include all of the following: (a) name of the candidate, (b) class in which the evaluation was conducted, (c) date of administration, (d) name of the evaluator, (e) number of students enrolled in the class, (f) number of students completing the evaluation forms, (g) mean and frequency distribution for each structured-response item on the evaluation form, (d) all verbatim narrative responses by students to all open ended questions.

§         The candidate will prepare a written analysis of the results of the student evaluations and will include these as part of the recontracting file.

§        The chairperson of the departmental committee will retain the summary report and raw data until the deadline for submitting term grades has passed. Thereupon, the chairperson will, within two (2) weeks of time after the deadline for submitting term grades, give the summary report to the instructor. In the presence of the person being evaluated, the chairperson of the department committee will seal the envelope containing the completed student evaluation forms, and ask the teacher to sign his/her name across the seal. The sealed envelope should then be sent to the Human Resources Office where it will be kept for a period of five (5) years and then be discarded.






Suggested Script for the Administration of the Student Evaluation Process



I am ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­________________________________________ a member of the  ­­


____________________________ Department.



Professor ______________________________ has asked me to administer student evaluation forms for this course. Student evaluations are an important part of the assessment process. They provide important feedback to professors so that they can understand the strengths of their teaching as well as areas that may need some more attention. However, teachers are also evaluated to provide information for purposes of recontracting, tenure, continuing professional development, and promotion. This process is voluntary on your part. Should you decide to participate please take this responsibility seriously.


Professor ___________________________will not see the results of your evaluation until the semester is completed and grades have been submitted to the Registrar. We must follow the University procedures, which I am going to describe.


I have an evaluation and a signature sheet. (Show the form and signature sheet). The code number is used to identify the number of forms that are used. I have another sheet called the signature sheet. (Show the signature sheet). If you choose to complete an evaluation form, you need to sign the signature sheet as proof that you participated in the evaluation. I will ask your teacher to sign the bottom and I will seal the signature sheet in an envelope and will send it to the President's Office where it will be kept for five (5) years. The signature sheet will not be opened unless there is a challenge to a personnel decision and the administration needs to communicate with students about an evaluation. In 25 years, that has  never happened.  We have found that the signature sheet gives the whole process more validity and yields more useful information.


I will give the actual evaluation forms to the departmental committee chairperson who will keep them until after the grades are turned in to the registrar. At that time, the departmental committee chairperson will give the professor a typed statistical summary and a typed copy of all remarks. The actual forms you fill out will be sealed in an envelope and stored in the Human Resources Office for a period of five (5) years, after which they will be destroyed.


Participation in this evaluation process is voluntary, but you are strongly encouraged to provide

this important feedback. If you wish not to participate, do not sign the class roster, and do not

take an evaluation form.


Are there any questions?  Then, let us proceed.







Name of Faculty Member:  _________________________  Reference #:  __________________


Class Title:  ___________________________________________________________________


Date:  __________________________________________


Students in                  Signature of Students                                                

Attendance                 Completing Evaluation Form                                     





























Number of Students in Attendance:__________________


Verified by:  ____________________________________

                     Signature of Teaching Faculty Member














            (pages 22 & 23 of agreement)






·         A brief self-assessment or update since last evaluation


·         All previous evaluations (for 3rd year Faculty)








·         Labeled and placed in separate folder to be returned to candidate











            (pages 22 & 23 of Agreement)







·         A brief self-assessment or update since last evaluation of four criteria for evaluation


·         All previous evaluations (for 3rd year candidates)





            (based on the agreed upon criteria for evaluation)





Labeled and placed in separate folder to be returned to candidate







CANDIDATE NAME _______________________________________________________       DATE HIRED _________________



OFFICE  / DEPARTMENT ___________________________________________________     PHONE EXT. _________________



DEPARTMENTAL T/R CHAIRPERSON _______________________________________       PHONE EXT. _________________



CHECKLIST FOR PROFESSIONAL STAFF within the bargaining unit appointed after December 31 of the current year shall not be reviewed by the Senate Tenure and Recontracting Committee and will be reviewed the following year as a first-year candidate. Departmental tenure and recontracting chair must initial on blank line under word “initials”. Please number the pages of the recontracting file and collate in the order listed below. Please include the corresponding file page number where indicated below.


FILE PG.                                                                              CHECKLIST  ITEM                                                                             INITIALS



________ 1.  Checklist                                                                                                                                                                      1. _____________



________ 2.  A copy of the office’s interpretation of the evaluation criteria.                                                                  2. _____________

                        (Section 4.551, 4.55 of the Tenure & Recontracting Procedure)



________ 3.  A written description of the role and specific function of the office head/director and a statement

        of whether or not the office head/director is included in the bargaining unit.                                           3. _____________



________ 4.  Basic vita using format provided in the Tenure / Recontracting Contract. Also include:                     4. _____________

a.       self-appraisal of professional performance (1.1, 1.3,  and 2.1111)

b.       statement regarding plans for future professional growth (2.1112)

c.        written, current job description.



________ 5.  Supervisor’s evaluation (4.552). Provide reason if supervisor’s report is not included.                        5. _____________



________ 6.  Office recontracting committee’s evaluation and recommendation, including:                                      6. _____________

                        (Section 2.681)           

a.       committee recommendation to recontract or not to recontract (Section 2.681)

b.       numerical vote (Section 2.684)

c.        reasons for recommendation (Section 2.684)

d.       name of committee chairperson and members should be typed, then signed by the

committee members.