AFT Single and Multi-year contract consideration procedure for Professional staff


1. Each candidate requesting reappointment will submit an application to his/her immediate supervisor. This request will include, but not be limited to, a written self-evaluation statement which will, at minimum, include: a review of past performance, activities and achievements, a description of current professional responsibilities, an analysis of professional contributions and potential for continued development, and a statement of professional goals and objectives. The candidate may include any additional information which he/she deems appropriate.

2. During the first year of the five year probationary period, peer evaluations are not required unless the immediate supervisor and/or the candidate think they are necessary to evaluate performance.

During each of the remaining four years of the five year probationary period, at least three peer evaluations are required.

In subsequent years, following the five year probationary period, peer evaluations are not required during reappointment review for multi-year contracts unless the immediate supervisor and/or the candidate think they are necessary to evaluate performance.

Each candidate and the immediate supervisor should discuss the list of peer evaluators. Peers who are requested to provide evaluations should serve in a regular and continuing functional working relationship with the candidate. The supervisor must be satisfied that the selected peers will provide relevant feedback. In case of disagreement regarding the peers selected, the candidate and the supervisor each may identify other employees to include in the list. The supervisor will request written evaluations from all employees so identified. The candidate's updated job description will be included with each request for an evaluation.

3. Each candidate will have an evaluation conference with his/her immediate supervisor. The candidate's application, and any peer/colleague evaluations will be reviewed.

4. The immediate supervisor will make a recommendation in writing, which will include an evaluation of the candidate's professional performance, development and potential.

When there is a negative or qualified recommendation by a supervisor, that supervisor will notify the candidate in writing. Candidates receiving such recommendations may request and will receive a conference with the person making the recommendation.

It is the option of the candidate to request the presence of a Union representative at the conference as an observer/advisor, only.

At least 48 hours prior notice of the scheduled conference will be given to the candidate unless waived by him/her. This conference will be held prior to the recommendation being submitted to the administrator next in line.

5. The immediate supervisor will forward all documents including the application, the peer/colleague evaluations, his/her own recommendation to the administrator next in line for review and recommendation. When there is a negative or qualified recommendation, the process as described in (5) above will be repeated through each level of review up to and including the administrator reporting directly to the President.

6. The last administrator in line will forward his/her recommendation, and all documents to the President for review.

7. If the President's decision is negative or qualified, the President will notify the candidate in writing. Candidates receiving such recommendations may request and will receive a conference with the President.

It is the option of the candidate to request the presence of a Union representative at the conference as an observer/advisor only.

At least 48 hours prior notice of the scheduled conference will be given to the candidate unless waived by him/her.

8. The President's nominations and all documents will be forwarded to the Board of Trustees, through its committees.

9. The Board of Trustees will vote on the President's nominations.

10. In the case of each applicant who was not nominated for reappointment, the President notifies the applicant of the action taken by the President.

In the case of each applicant nominated for reappointment, the President notifies the applicant of the action of the Board of Trustees.


1. Candidates will be responsible for insuring that the application contains all materials believed essential to the review and evaluation process.

2. Immediate supervisors will be responsible for the timely collection, organization and transmittal of materials used in the review and evaluation process described herein and for insuring that all established deadline dates are properly adhered to.

3. Candidates' personnel files, including all yearly evaluations, will be cumulative and the entire, official performance and employment history of that professional staff member will be considered.

Personnel files will be available to the appropriate supervisors and administrative officers for their use in making recommendations.

4. Candidates may respond in writing to all evaluation reports and recommendations, and these responses will be included in the material to be forwarded.

5. Self-evaluation statements, supervisor evaluation reports, and written peer/colleague evaluations will be consistent with the candidate's job description, which will be updated by the immediate supervisor in consultation with the candidate.

6. The immediate supervisor will be that supervisory management level person not included in the bargaining unit who is first reached in the normal chain of command, leading from the candidate.

7. All material generated by this process will be placed in the candidate's personnel file.

1. Each candidate for reappointment will undergo a thorough and rigorous review of his/her qualifications for continued employment at the College. Review of candidates eligible for multi-year contracts shall be comparable, although the review may differ in form, to that applicable to faculty eligible for reappointment with tenure. Review of candidates eligible for one-year reappointments will be comparable to that of faculty eligible for annual reappointments.


1. Each member of the professional staff not holding faculty rank may be considered for appointment for one year terms concurrent with the fiscal year for the equivalent of five years within a period of any six consecutive years.

2. After employment in the College for the equivalent of five years in any six consecutive fiscal years, professional staff may be offered multi-year contracts of no more than five years in length, but may not be offered any additional one-year contracts. Professional staff must be notified by the President not later than one year prior to the expiration of any multi-year contract of the renewal or non-renewal of the contract.

3. Professional staff holding concurrent academic rank will not be eligible for multi-year contracts or administrative appointments for a term of more than one year, although yearly appointments may be made without limit.

4. Professional staff serving under multi-year contracts who are promoted in title will, at minimum, serve one year in the new position before becoming eligible for consideration for a multi-year contract in that new position.

5. Those serving under a one-year or a multi-year contract may be assigned by the President to any professional position within their competence during the term of the contract, but their salary may not be reduced during the contract period below that which they should have received had they continued in their original position, and they may be dismissed from the College during the term of a contract only for cause consistent with appropriate statutory provisions.