New Jersey City University



Performance-based promotions for professional staff in the AFT bargaining unit are provided for in Article XVI, E of the 1999-2003 Agreement between the Council of State College Locals, AFT, AFL-CIO and the State of New Jersey.

Full-time professional staff employees who meet or exceed the criteria for performance based promotion are eligible to be considered for such promotions, which consist of advancement to the next higher title in the employee’s title series. The next higher title for program assistants will be professional services specialist IV. The criteria for performance based promotion will be established by the College/University President and provided in written form for the understanding of all affected employees. An eligible full time professional staff employee and/or the employee ’s out of unit supervisor may submit written application setting forth justification for promotion to the College/University President or designee thereof. The College/University President shall determine whether a promotion shall be granted. (p. 25)

I.                   Eligibility

Full-time professional staff who meet or exceed the criteria for the performance-based promotions as stated below are eligible to be considered, either by application by the individual or nomination by his/her immediate supervisor, for such promotions.

II.                Criteria

An applicant for a performance-based promotion must meet or exceed the following established criteria to be eligible for promotion:

  1. Performance of his/her full range of professional responsibilities for and on behalf of the University at the level of excellence over a significant period of time, and such excellence shall consist of marked superiority, both in terms of quality and quantity of performance appropriate to the person’s position of employment.
  2. Present and consistent demonstration, over a significant period of time, of a cooperative effort to achieve the goals and objectives of the University and demonstration of significant accomplishment(s) in his/her position.
  1. Present and consistent achievement and demonstration of professional development and recognition in his/her professional field by having achieved an appropriate level of academic background related to his/her professional field AND by undertaking other professional contributions and activities appropriate to his/her position (e.g., through publication in a juried journal in his/her professional field, by election to an officer position in a professional organization directly related to his/her professional field, community leadership based on one’s professional skills, application of his/her professional skills in a public service role with exemplary impact or by developing and successfully implementing a new or improved procedure or process at the University.
  2. Performance in his/her professional capacity that brings credit to himself/herself, the University, and/or to his/her professional field.

Procedures for a Performance-Based Promotion

An eligible full time professional staff member and/or the employee’s non-unit supervisor may submit written application for performance based promotion in accordance with the following procedures:

1.                  The President shall inform the Professional Staff Peer Review Committee of the total number of performance-based promotions available for the University.

2.                  The applicant must develop a portfolio that includes the following:

·         his/her job description,

·         statement of current title,

·         his/her employment history at the University.

·         self assessment statement addressing the four criteria listed above,

·         last two performance appraisals from his/her personnel file, and

·         substantive documentation, supplied by the applicant, supporting the criteria

listed above, e.g., specific examples and objective documentation. .

3.                  The applicant shall submit the portfolio to his/her first level non-unit supervisor and to the Professional Staff Peer Review Committee (see Appendix A for composition of committee) for review.

4.                  After the portfolio has been received and reviewed by the immediate supervisor, the immediate supervisor will forward the individual’s application/portfolio with an evaluation/recommendation for performance-based promotion to the next level of supervision, dean or director, within thirty (30) days of closing date for receipt of all applications, with a copy to the applicant. The immediate supervisor shall include as part of his/her evaluation/recommendation a written statement as to how the applicant’s performance meets each of the four criteria for promotion.

5.         Simultaneously with the supervisor’s review, the Professional Staff Peer Review Committee will also review the applicant’s portfolio and forward the individual application with an evaluation/recommendation to the next level of supervision, dean or director, within thirty (30) days of closing date for receipt for all applications, with a copy to the applicant. The committee shall include as part of its recommendation a written statement as to how the applicant’s performance meets each of the criteria for promotion.

6.                  Applicant will have the right to provide written comment to his/her supervisor(s) and the Committee at any point in the review process. Each response shall be made in writing within five (5) working days. All such responses shall be appended to the application that will be forwarded to the next and subsequent levels of managerial review.

7.                  The confidentiality of the candidate’s file is the responsibility of the Professional Staff Peer Review Committee and others who officially review the file.

8.                  The dean or director will review the application and make his/her recommendation to the vice president within fifteen (15) days who in turn will make his/her recommendation to the President within fifteen (15) days. Copies of same will be forwarded to the applicant.

9.                  The President shall review the candidate’s application/portfolio submitted by the applicant and make the final determination whether the promotion shall be granted.

10.              The President shall inform each candidate of his/her decision in writing by April 15. In the case of granting a promotion, the effective date will be July 1 following the date of application of the calendar year in which granted.

11.              The President shall send the names of the professional staff members he/she has recommended performance-based promotions to the Board of Trustees no later than the May/June Board meeting. In granting a promotion, the Board of Trustees acts upon the recommendation of the President. The Board of Trustees can only act on those persons recommended for promotion by the President. If the President does not recommend a candidate for promotion, his/her name is not brought before the Board of Trustees and the promotion process ends at the President’s level. All promotions are subject to the availability of funds and proper recording. The decision of the Board shall be made known to the candidate in writing by US Postal Service to the candidate’s home address.


Appendix A

Professional Staff Peer Review Committee

1.      The committee shall consist of five (5) professional staff members who are on multi-year contracts. The members of the committee shall be chosen in an election open to all professional staff members in the AFT bargaining unit, in an election conducted by the Union.

2.      There shall be nor more than one member from any department or office. There shall be no more than three members from any one institutional division (Academic Affairs, Student Affairs, Finance and Administration, and Advancement).

3.      The committee shall serve for three years except the first year of the committee’s existence, when one member shall be selected by lottery to serve a one-year term and two members shall be selected by lottery to serve two-year terms.

4.      Committee members shall agree not to apply for a performance-based promotion during their designated terms of office.

5.      Committee members shall not be eligible for election to successive terms.


Performance-Based Promotions
Professional Staff


November 15                        Announcement of Number of Promotions Available

January 31

February 28

March 15

March 31

April 15

Submission of Application (portfolio) to first level non-unit supervisor AND to the Professional Staff Peer Review Committee


Supervisor and Committee recommendation/report to Dean or Director


Dean or Director recommendation to the VP with copy to the candidate


VP recommendation to the President



President’s decision to the candidate.

President forwards recommended promotions to Board of Trustees which acts upon only those persons recommended for promotion by the President.


May/June                              Board of Trustees act on President’s recommendation.

Decision of Board made known to the candidate in writing by US Postal Service to the candidate’s home address.

New Jersey City University
Application for Performance Based Promotions for Professional Staff

Candidate’s Name

Title and Department______________________________________                Years in Position

                                                Date of Initial Appointment    

Candidate’s portfolio/applcation:

·         Job description

·         Employment history at University

·         Statement how candidate meets each of the four criteria (excellent performance in responsibilities over time, extraordinary accomplishments, significant contributions to work unit, record of continued professional development).

·         Two performance appraisals from applicant

·         Supporting documentation with examples of work

Candidate’s portfolio application submitted to immediate supervisor and Professional Staff Peer Review Committee for review and recommendation.

·         Professional Staff Peer Review Committee Report Recommended         Not recommended

Signature of Chairperson                    Date

Candidate for Promotion:                                 I have read the promotion recommendation of the

Signature of Candidate                     Date

·         Supervisor’s Report (see attached form) Recommended            Not recommended

Signature of Supervisor                     Date

·         Candidate for Promotion:                                 I have read the promotion recommendation of my immediate supervisor.

Signature of Candidate                                     Date

·            Dean/Director

I recommend/do not recommend the promotion of the above named candidate. The candidate has been notified in writing of my recommendation.

Signature of Dean/Director                                Date

·            Vice President

I recommend/do not recommend the promotion of the above named candidate. The candidate has been notified in writing of my recommendation.

Signature of Vice President, Division               Date

·            President

I have approved/not approved the promotion of the above named candidate. The candidate has been notified in writing of my decision.

Signature of President                                            Date