council logoSAVE THE DATE

Saturday, May 22, 2010 - 12 noon.

Huge Public Rally in Trenton to protect NJ's families and communities.


Additional rally bus locations from NJ Citizen Action - click here

Map of parking and bus areas - click here (pdf)

An online sign-up form for AFT buses can be used by clicking here or;

An informational leaflet that you can use to sign up to attend the historic event can be found by clicking here. Fill out the information at the bottom and fax, mail or email it per the instructions.

Public Employee Unions across New Jersey are already recruiting members and their families to attend. 

You can also post this flyer at your workplace and make sure all of your co-workers and others know to save the date.

Thousands of public employee union members and their families will join tens of thousands of other union members, students, veterans, civil rights advocates, retirees, concerned taxpayers and community activists for an enormous rally in Trenton on May 22, as concerned residents from all corners of New Jersey descend on the State House to oppose Chris Christie’s disastrous budget priorities.

Everyone from public workers to seniors to students to veterans are going to see their taxes increased and their services diminished if Chris Christie gets his way.  Everyone except the millionaires who are getting a tax cut.  This rally will be a huge outpouring of those of us who will be affected if Chris Christie gets his way, and concerned citizens are going to tell the State Legislature that it’s time to stand up to his budget priorities.

AFT and the Council will be joining other public employees as well as hundreds of other community groups. We are currently in the process of renting buses for pickup locations in NJ.

Rally planners want this to be the biggest rally in New Jersey’s history. On Saturday May 22, all roads lead to Trenton.


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